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高考成绩已经公布,DECTRIS 祝愿中国,考生都能够进入理想的院校。金榜题名,学业有成。我们DECTRIS的几位员工也对中国学子表达了真诚的祝福。




"Every learning process ends with a test. Sometimes this can be a simple implementation of the things learned, and sometimes a big exam. Preparations for a national exam are particularly difficult, so I would like to congratulate all students on their hard work, dedication, and curiosity! These three characteristics are precious for any study program you might choose. I wish you all the best in your future studies!"


Dr. Dubravka Sisak Jung

苏黎世联邦理工学院  博士学位

牛津大学 市场营销学位


Life is bitter. Efforts are not always rewarded. But the fact that you have worked hard will feed your future. Don't be afraid too much. Do your best.


Dr. TAGUCHI Takeyoshi, 

日本东北大学 博士学位

东京大学 博士后



Education is the best investment one can make, even though it is hard work, challenging, and exhausting it always pays off in the end. 

I congratulate all students on keeping their focus, dedication, and passion for learning towards the national exams. I wish everybody the best of luck for the days to come and a bright future beyond.


Dr. Max Burian

奥地利格拉茨工业大学 博士学位

瑞士保罗谢尔研究所 PSI 博士后





Dr. Mifang

日本高知工科大学 博士学位

清华大学 博士后



“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones”, says Confucius. You carried the small stones during your study. Now is the time to start moving the mountain.


Dr. Nicolas Pilet

洛桑联邦理工学院 博士学位

耶鲁大学 博士后



"As the finish line of the national exams marathon approaches, I wish you renewed energy to initiate the next phase of your studies and to chase the career of your dreams - besides absolute success, naturally! The effort you dedicated so far will certainly pay off, regardless of the path you decide to trail."


Dr. Daniel Stroppa

巴西纳米技术国家实验室 博士学位

德国于利希研究中心 博士后



"Preparing for an exam is always a challenge, as you have to work hard and organize yourself under time pressure. This process is extremely educational and I wish you success in the exam and in your future. Pursue your dreams!"


洛桑联邦理工大学 博士学位

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